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Pilates in a Nut Shell


STOTT PILATES® incorporates modern exercise principles, including contemporary thinking about spinal rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement. For example, some approaches may promote a flat back, whereas STOTT PILATES® exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints, placing more emphasis on scapular stabilisation. As well, there are more preparatory exercises and modifications to cater to many different body types and abilities, making it applicable to everyday life. All appointments will include a combination of Mat and Reformer-based exercise as well as the use of other dedicated equipment in the Studio.


Mat-based workouts are very convenient and can be done almost anywhere. Adding light equipment and the larger resistance equipment will place more emphasis on your outer limbs and add variety and intensity to your program. 


The average active person doing 2-3 sessions per week should see material results within 10-12 classes. This will vary depending on each individual and other factors such as the number of classes a person takes each week, whether they are private or group sessions, whether they participate in other physical activities, and whether they have any existing injuries. It is also important to work with a well trained Certified Instructor.

Matwork Pilates in London
The ​Reformer

The Reformer is the main piece of equipment used in Pilates. The Reformer glides backwards & forwards on rollers and uses springs for resistance, along with several other attachments, for a wide variety of exercises and positions (i.e. lying down, seated and standing).


STOTT PILATES® exercise equipment is highly versatile. It facilitates hundreds of exercise variations, is no-impact (and therefore easy on the joints), allows for modifications for those with injuries or conditions, allows for three-dimensional movement and conditioning, and is suitable for a wide variety of clients (from rehab to pro athlete). It also facilitates balanced strength and flexibility, provides eccentric and concentric muscle contraction (resistance on the in and out moves), total musculo-skeletal conditioning (muscles and postural alignment), and facilitates core conditioning and peripheral mobility.

Reformer Pilates in Marylebone



We also have in use Cadillac (trapeze table), Stability chair, Ladder barrel, Spine corrector and other smaller equipment essential for working out. 


What is the difference between the STOTT PILATES® Method and other Pilates techniques?


STOTT PILATES® incorporates modern exercise principles, including contemporary thinking about spinal rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement. For example, some approaches may promote a flat back, whereas STOTT PILATES® exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints, placing more emphasis on scapular stabilization. As well, there are more preparatory exercises and modifications to cater to many different body types and abilities, making it applicable to everyday life. 


How is STOTT PILATES® different to weight training or other resistance exercise?


Pilates is three-dimensional i.e. exercises can be performed using all movement planes. Spring resistance more closely resembles muscular contraction emphasis on concentric/eccentric contraction for injury prevention. STOTT PILATES® exercise is customisable for special needs in Pilates exercise, emphasis is placed on re-balancing muscles around the joints.  Pilates corrects over-training and muscle imbalance that can lead to injury.  Pilates emphasizes balancing strength with flexibility (for injury prevention and more efficient movement). STOTT PILATES® exercise leads to an improvement in posture and body awareness. Weight training and STOTT PILATES® can be combined in your fitness program and are complimentary.


What are the benefits of STOTT PILATES®?


The benefits include but are not limited to:


- Increased strength without unwanted bulk

- Increased core strength, stability and peripheral mobility

- Improved fitness levels which may help prevent injury

- Greater ease of movement through a full range of motion

- Heightened body awareness and mindfulness of movement

- Decreased impact on the joints

- Added variety as a compliment to other forms of exercise

- Improved performance of specific sport skills

  (golf, skiing, hockey, etc.)

- Enhanced balance, coordination and circulation

- Pain management

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Certain content © Merrithew Corporation 

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London W1 Pilates Limited 

75 Gloucester Place

London W1U 8JP 

United Kingdom

Company Registration Number: 10424249
+44 (0)7471 016446

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